Eric Coons

Kaleidoscope Financial


Achieving Financial Security in Retirement

July 6, 2023

Fixed and Fixed Indexed Annuities Retirement should be a golden era for relaxation, exploration, and pursuing ...

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The Link Between Long-Term Care and Life Insurance

March 24, 2023

As people age, the need for long-term care services becomes more likely. In fact, about 70% ...

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Retirement Tax Obligations and Strategies for Minimizing Taxes on Retirement Income

December 21, 2022

Retirement is a time of life to look forward to, but understanding the associated tax obligations ...

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Are Precious Metals A Good Way To Diversify Your Retirement Portfolio?

June 15, 2022

“The key to having great diversification in your portfolio lies in finding assets that are not ...

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What’s An “Inflation-Protected” Annuity And Should You Have One?

April 27, 2022

"Inflation causes your savings and fixed income assets to lose purchasing power as time passes and ...

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What A Fully Digital Dollar Might Mean To Your Financial Future

March 9, 2022

"Digital money is already here, and it's prolific. According to the Harvard Business Review, over 97% ...

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Eight Of The Most Tax-Friendly States For Retirees

December 7, 2021

"If you're considering moving when you retire, have you considered the potential tax issues?" Eric Coons ...

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What Is A "Glide Path" Formula, And What Should You Know?

October 14, 2021

It's more or less a given that the asset allocation of a person's retirement portfolio should ...

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Could Passively Investing In Real Estate Help You Enjoy A Better Retirement?

August 5, 2021

"For certain people within 7-10 years of retirement, adding real estate to create passive income makes ...

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What Is A Short-Selling Squeeze

July 4, 2021

"Depending on to whom you listen, the recent GameStop "short squeeze" affair will have little to ...

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Does The Calculation "120 Minus Your Age" Make Sense Anymore?

June 10, 2021

"For years, pre-retirees have been told to follow a "120 minus your age" investing formula. But, ...

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What Is An "NFT" And Why You Should Care

May 6, 2021

"Rapid development of blockchain technology is leading to some interesting new concepts, including the idea of ...

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Should You Use Alternative Investments To Increase Your Portfolio's Diversity And Resilience?

February 22, 2021

2020 was a year notable for a series of disruptive economic events, dramatic shifts in the ...

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Six Qualities Of Highly Effective Advisors

January 5, 2021

"Building an expert team to guide you through the often bewildering and frustrating financial landscape is ...

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Do Your Job

May 4, 2020

Over my last 18 years of placing nearly $170 million of Fixed & Fixed Indexed Annuities ...

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The Misconception Of Annuity Liquidity And Income Riders

August 7, 2019

One of the biggest concerns my prospective clients have when researching annuities is accessibility. As big ...

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Avoiding Probate With a Living Trust

April 7, 2019

A Living Trust may help reduce your probate expense liability Living Trusts vs. Wills Unlike wills, ...

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10,000 Baby Boomers Retire Each Day

January 30, 2021

10,000 new baby boomers retire each day. Think about it: Many people don’t get defined pension ...

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A Compelling Story: Fixed Index Annuities

July 21, 2020

How would you like to play poker where the casino told you they would guarantee you ...

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A Gold Watch And Lifetime Income

March 6, 2019

Pensions have evolved to self-directed retirement planning I grew up in steel country in Western Pennsylvania. ...

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Eric Coons picture

Eric Coons

Kaleidoscope Financial

813 SW RainTree Lane

Suite 1

Bentonville, Arkansas 72712

(501) 743-1461

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